Tuesday 5 December 2006

Tuck shop teenagers

Just went to the village shop to get some milk. Our village (where we’ve lived for eighteen months to be closer to Nearest and Dearest’s work at the local hospital) is just lovely and I don’t want to leave, but we will have to when this SHO rotation ends in July. Take the shop, for instance (the only one in the village). You could walk in and see any of our local characters - Mrs Brant, characterised by her barking at the counter assistant “PAPERS FOR BRANT!!” or Milly, Chantilly and Lily with Jake, Blake and Drake from the local boarding school arms full of Pot Noodles, Mars Bars, Pringles and Coke for a tuckfest later. Another notable is 84 year old Horace, cycling every day up to his allotment amid the 4x4s driving their kiddies to the prep school. Someone must be smiling on him because cycling in wellies doesn’t necessarily make for the straightest lines.

Also, this village is excellent for festive house displays. Currently four houses are covered in flashing icicles, illuminated snowmen and neon messages of goodwill. If you like lights, and I do, this is the place to be.

Sad to think we will be leaving here, but even sadder not to have a clue where our next location will be. Nearest and dearest can apply for 4 geographical areas/1 specialty, or various combinations thereof. Choosing only 1 geographical area/4 specialties could mean a move to any corner of this Deanery, none of which are particularly desirable. At least we only have chickens - for those with families and mortgages, this particular bit of Hewittery must be unfathomably difficult.

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