Thursday 22 February 2007

The Spanish wear their colours

We noticed in Spain that there was a considerable quantity of beige wearing. At first it was a joke between us but gradually, the more we travelled around, the more we realised EVERYONE WEARS BEIGE. I'm talking, top and bottom, and shoes and shirts, and scarves and jackets. It's like a little beige army. We even made up a little song, 'browny beigey clothes DING DING', which I think could be a number one by Christmas. But we also noticed a prediliction for orange, green and red, not usually all together, although we did spot a man wearing beige AND lilac together, which, for the more fashion conscious amongst you, is not a combination I recommend.

Then we found this shop and it all became clear!

By the way, if you have a few hours spare and want to look at more beige related pictures you can view them at my flickr

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