Friday 15 December 2006

Hospitals of the future?

I love this. The government’s inspection of NHS financial management has concluded that there has been a ‘failure of financial management’ with ‘evidence of inadequate monitoring and an absence of financial control’. Try telling this to the people of Chelmsford and environs, where the hospital which deals with paeds, maternity and GU medicine was sold (£5million) to help pay for the PFI at the main hospital (PFI already under construction). The Chief Exec then accounted for this income twice (therefore £10 million) and when he was found out, went on long term sick leave. He's not as sick as the rest of us, and of course will still be on full pay. Needless to say, the PFI has been stopped – as part of the wider review of PFIs it would have been anyway – and it’s going to cost something like £28 million in breach of contract fees to cease construction entirely. Putting that in context, the total cost of the PFI was projected at £180 million.

This week there were not enough beds at the hospital and patients were stacked up outside in waiting ambulances. At least then they are not breaking the 4 hour A&E rule, since they aren’t technically in A&E at that point.


Phoenix said...

Good grief, that is pure lunacy.

The saddest side of it is that patient services will be cut to cover the cost of financial fuck-ups like this.

Petri Fish said...

Absolutely. They already are. This hospital's been closing wards like they are covered in MRSA ... ach well, who needs haematology ward care anyway ... forget those oncology patients ....

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