Work is over. Pimms Winter Warmer is in the hand. Frank's singing. All is well with the world, as long as you don't look out of the door or turn on the TV. It's easy to ignore it all when you live in the country.
What is less easy to ignore is the slightly scary christmas related visitors who come to your door. Last night there was an almighty cacophony in the street, which turned out to be Santa On A Lorry - I know the picture's crap but if you imagine this really hard, you'll see it. It was actually Santa, On A Sled, On A Lorry. With 100 decibels of SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN. If that's not enough to frighten you into making a donation to the scary man on your doorstep (who doesn't look too happy that you're taking pictures) I don't know what is.
What are the Rotary Club all about anyway - and why do I feel like I've just funded something illicit / fascist / terrorist? I know they claim to be about community and promotion of peace and understanding of the world, but honestly, their collectors don't look that peaceful or understanding. They all seem to read the Daily Mail, for a start.
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