Saturday 18 November 2006

Religion on the A130

My morning drive to the station yesterday was like some kind of religious experience. Not because I spent some of it taking the lord's name in vain as the classic Essex boy/man racer in ugly massive executive deathtrap tried to take me as his next victim, but because a huge golden sun was just coming up over the ploughed fields, into a clear blue sky. Everything was bathed in a golden light, pheasants were standing in the furrows untroubled by the rush of traffic and commuters around them. The world suddenly seemed a hopeful place.

It's things like this that make me love living in the country.

Coming home later my train took 1.5 hours to go 40 miles.

It's things like this that make me hate living in the country.

* this is one of my own pictures taken last christmas.

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