I was going to show you the poem I've written for my gran's funeral (I've been asked to say something at it) but it's really rather uncomplimentary and I won't be able to use it. Try as I might I can't find a positive thing to say - which is not because there weren't funny things about her (I can't really say there were nice things, so funny will have to do), but they all stem from something awful. For example, I used to have a name for her which related to the way she grubbed about in her kitchen and slammed doors at 6am every morning. It was an amusing name, but not one which would really fit as a tribute.
So instead, I'm going to big up
Jessops, because today they excelled in their service to me in a way that restores faith in all things corporate. I got a beautiful digital SLR for Christmas, a fantastic gift as I'm mildly obsessed with photography. It was incredibly expensive, and perfect, until I dropped it on the road that very same day, causing a couple of scrapes and breaking the integral flash. OK, integral flash is crap but .. it was BRAND NEW. So today we took it back. Shop man noticed the grazes - "I'm a bit worried about these marks" - and asked if the flash had ever worked. We kind of flanneled ... "It might have done for a day or so" ... thereby not entirely lying but neither admitting culpability, with our fingers crossed. The man tried out the camera, silently removed the battery and memory card, went out back and got a brand new body, refitted it all and handed it over to us, with not another word. Nice, nice, lovely Mr Jessop. I am impressed.
I realise that a story about Jessops isn't
that exciting but it was better than my bitter poem, honestly.
This pictures is one taken on New Year's Eve with said camera. This is my sister and three of her teenage friends writing '2007' with sparklers. It was an exceedingly long exposure
obviously. The kind you can only do on an expensive camera.